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Botanical Garden











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Credits & Thanks

Message from the Garden Director

Giving Credit to Those that Have Helped Our Garden Grow

I would like to take this opportunity to thank many people for their professional talents and any role which they played in the development of the UW Botany Garden.  Firstly, I appreciate that the Botany department was given green space by the University next to the sidewalk leading down to University Avenue (over to Lathrop Hall) for expansion of the Botany Garden. I was delighted in that the State chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects accepted my proposal to chose the Botany Garden as the site for its latest annual landscape competition (Elegance in Design). The teams in the competition (UW-Landscape Students) made use of the new Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APGII & APGIII in 2014) system of classification suggested by the Botany Department. Our Botanical Garden is the first garden in the world to be based on this new molecular classification of plants.

Kenneth Sytsma and myself (among others from in and out of the State of Wisconsin) judged the competition on April 1. 2001. The First Place award was $600.00 given to Rob Williams, $400.00 for second place given to Jillian Imilkowski and Sarah Schultz, and $200.00 each for third and fourth place given to Brain Reetz, Kimberly Hofkins, Ian Lambers and Kate Moorman. Elements from all four designs were modified and incorporated by Smith Group JJR Landscape consultant in the final garden design.

There are many other that have made the garden possible, including:

· College of Letter and Science; especially Dr. Phil Certain.

· UW-Botany Department; Ray Evert, Ken Sytsma, Tom Givnish, Edgar Spalding, Mike Adams, Joy Zedler, Eldon Newcomb, Bob Kowal, David Baum, Paul Berry, Chris Day, Donna Fernandez, Linda Graham, Sara Hotchkiss, Hugh Iltis, Tom Sharkey, Don Waller, Tim Allen, John Glaeser, Kandis Elliot, Claudia Lipke, Ted Cochrane, Mike Clayton, Mark Wetter, Barb Erlenborn, Cara Streekstra, Mary Bauschelt, Jim Adams, Patricia Wirth, Sue Bader, Loraine Pilgrim, Janice Faust, Jeff Volgtschaller, Diane Derouen, Taher Brandon Fayyaz, Thomas Maher and Samir Fayyaz.

· UW-Foundation and Alumni; especially Class of 1952.

· Department of Administration Division of State Facilities (DFS); Sam Calvin and Terry Murphy.

· UW_Madison Facilities Planning & Management (FPM) and Physical Plant; Gary Brown, Rebecca Marquardt, Peggy Chung, Cindy Statz, Don Wallace and Tom Sturlaugson.

· Smith Group JJR; Bill Patek, Dan Williams, Bob Balas, Kate Sullivan.

. The Flower Factory for donation of woodland plants.

· J.H. Findorff; Ken Johanning, Doug Waelti.

· Elegance in Design; Bruce Wood, Rob Williams, Jillian Imilkowski, Sarah Schultz, Brain Reetz, Kimberly Hofkins, Ian Lambers and Kate Moorman.

· Percent for Art; Chris Manke , Nick Dennis, Sarah Aslakson, Angela Zar, Virginia Huber, James Carley and Beth Racette.

· Wisc. Pondscape, Bruce Company and Popp Excavating.

. Taher Brandon Fayyaz for his assistant in developing, editing and construction of this web page.

The garden is an important resource for both teaching and research by faculty, staff and students. It also provides an area for leisure where examples of plants from around the world demonstrate the diversity and beauty of the Plant Kingdom. Again, I wish to reiterate how important your contribution to the project has been.


Mohammad Mehdi Fayyaz, Ph.D.

Director, Greenhouses and Botanical Garden